Saturday, July 02, 2005


I always have more energy in the morning when I wake up.  It only lasts for a short time tho.  Today I gotta start trying to clean the house some.  Doris is great at that, she can zoom thru like a wild tornado & presto, it sparkles!  Not me.  Takes me hours just to move dust around.  I try really hard & after sweating for the whole day, the place still looks like crap, like nothing was done.  D's decided to have a 4th of July barbecue for the family, so she cant do it all (well she COULD if she had to, she's THAT good,)  but I gotta clean, then mow the lawn. 

     They're playing Luther Vandross all day today on 98.7.  So SAD he passed.  All his songs are so great, that voice is so velvet!  Life is just too short.  I dont want to die, Im just not ready.  My house is a fucking mess & my ducks are definitely not all in a row. 

     I gotta get up, put this laptop down (SO hard to do) & start to make a dent around here. (even HARDER).  God PLEASE give me energy to do all this. 

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