Another month has passed without writing, so much has happened that i can't even recall so I'll try free-association...
Doris' favorite Sister passed away in her sleep, it was a terrible shock for everyone. Doris is devastated, they went everywhere together & were like 2 peas in a pod. She can barely handle it, I feel so bad for her. As for me - I'm grateful it wasn't D.
Doris' younger son is still in town & Doris runs to save him when he can't pay for his blood pressure meds, doesn't have any food (since he DOESN'T work,) etc. He is living rent -free in her other sister's apartment. Women ALWAYS run to this man's (& I use the term loosely) rescue. It still disgusts me. D adores him. I adore D. I am stuck with her fucked-up kid & her fucked-up behavior around him... And she actually doesn't get why he makes me sick. I try to ignore it all - doesn't look like it's gona change. ever.
fuck me.
I've been binging on cake, candy & cookies since D's 75th bday last month & have gained 8 lbs back. damn. Also it's the whole hibernation thing - staying in all winter from ALL the snow storms. Just eating too much & making bad choices. I have GOT to get a fucking grip on food again because it already took so long to loose that fucking 8 lbs & now I have to do it all over again before it gets worse.
I hate winter.
I get fat & boring.
You? boring? Nevah.
But, I hear ya about the blahs of winter. Enough already.
You'll get your weight losing mo-jo back, I'm sure. Don't fret. :-)
I'm so sorry that Doris lost her sister. Death is hard enough but sudden death really takes its toll.
Like Deborah said, you are never boring. Hope that spring shows up soon for y'all.
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