Just re-read last new year's resolutions, which was to loose weight. And to clean my room.
Well I did loose 25 lbs. Gee-that's not so much. But it is DEFinately better than nothing. So if I can get 25 more off this year, I'll be closer to 'normal.' At least I don't look as obese as last year! Thank you Jesus!
And I am better at cleaning the house this year, BUT my closet room has never looked worse.
However it's because I threw a bunch of stuff in there from the bathroom when we were having it 'renovated'... & I use THAT term loosely... then about 50 folded tee shirts fell off a top shelf onto my desk chair & I've just left them there. So what, that's my feeling... bfd. BUT now I'll have to tackle all that this year. Doris is still calling me a hoarder. So I have started calling her one too. Very grown up. She has a lot of clothes too... She's just more organized with them all. So There, ha!
The big tub we put in the bathroom has a foot long crack in the side from which water cascades all over the fucking basement. Just great.
No more long soaking baths.
Back to the whirlpool a the gym.
Until I figure out what to do.-
Looking for the receipt from Home Depot.
I am trying to quit diet coke. Had 1 the other night & it kept me up till dawn. I need to drink more H2o. Stopping diet coke for 2 weeks I only lost .4 lbs sheesh. I miss it & thought it was keeping me from drinking more water & loosing more weight.
Just got over a cold from thanksgiving & NOW I am coming down with another one after Xmas. Both colds I got from one of the grandkids coming to the house to 'celebrate' deathly sick with horrible colds. (read double pneumonia) I hope this one doesn't go into a flu, cause that's what happened to the infected kids last week.
Seriously. Big pet peeve: If you are sick & have a BAD cold would you PLEASE stay home & not infect us all??? No matter WHO you are. It's so fucking wrong.
Other than that, Thanksgiving & Christmas were great with all of D's kids & grandkids coming over both days. Sweetface was so happy with them all here & I am kinda liking not having to drive 2 hrs coming & going to cousin Michelle's for the holidays. We just waited here for them to arrive, then climbed up to bed once they left!! It really was great.
Do I need to say it again; Retirement is FABULOUS!?! So good.
Doris & I are getting along swell this year. Thank you Jesus!
I am trying to be cool & genuine about accepting the younger son for who he is. Even tho' he is still not living up to what I think could be his full potential, but that's just my judgment, which has nothing to do with reality...
Even tho' his reality to me is disappointing, I am trying to let go of my condescending thougths of him not to mention any disgust.
Even when he was picked up on an OLD bench warrant for child support from Dtw 2 weeks ago & thrown in jail for 4 days.
Tho' I wasn't going to post bail for him, I was glad when he did get out the day before Xmas - without having to pay Anything - ! Seems he always amazingly gets by somehow so why do I even worry or fret? And I was relieved because my Poopsie was relieved & happy he wouldn't spend Christmas in the pokie & would be here with the rest of the fam.
So not easy to feel loving towards him when he gets so many women to do any & everything for him. (Which includes his mother, Aunt Barbara & sister Sharon... not to mention any other female who looks in his direction.) Which is weird since he's lost half his teeth. Straight women are just SO desperate.
Oh & get this: he told me he is going home & getting back on welfare so he can get his teeth fixed for free. (smh.) sigh.
I really need to go to a dentist but have no coverage in retirement. And this, & every other lazybutt, can get free dental work AND teeth replaced on welfare. It's the first time I've ever thought about going Republican.
Now that would be shocking.
Happy New Year to us all!
1 comment:
I'm with you about sick people staying home from EVERYWHERE. I can't tell you how many colds we pass around my office.
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