I can relax now.
Airline Medical called & said after reading my Dr's latest note, I was okayed for 3 more month's time off (till Dec 9!) Okay, now I can breathe again. Phew!
It's not till Dec 31st like my Dr. said, but maybe I'll be better by then anyway. At least I have a chance of Managment not harrassing me. Have mercy! sigh..
I took off my watch. Screw it.
Time schmime.
Won't have to sign into work for awhile now.
Alleluia, Thank ya Jesus!
And Glory to God, Goddess, Uniiverse!!!! In. The. HIGHEST.
Yep, I'm happy.
Doris & I had Baja Fresh Chicken Burritos & Chix Tostada Salad out on the veranda tonight! (uhm.... kitchen door patio.)
YumFuckingOla!!! Or ole' as the case may be.
Beeeaaallllcccchhh! burp!
It was SO great to have such beautiful weather again!
To borrow from the song title, "Ain't That Good News" !!? Great.
Love the pic. Cheers!!
Yay you get the time off!
That's stupid though that they'd make it 12/9 when 12/31 is only 3 more weeks... I mean, you're gonna be out all that time, what's 3 more weeks?? LOL
Seems senseless to me.
Anyway, yay nice weather!
Well...dang it all as we say here on the prairie.
We are going to Denver next month and I had this hope that you might be our flight attendant.
First I just have to say what an absolute lovely picture!
Glad you're okayed for that much time off. Enjoy and heal!
Thanks D & P for the picture comment.
I think we'd be good for the cover of Lesbian AARP.
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