Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

OMG!!! I got thru the big
THANKSGIVING ordeal this year!
It ended up being NOT such an ordeal.
It was great.

This is what happened...
D's niece & sister
decided they felt like crap
& didn't want to do Thanksgiving.
Can't blame 'em for that!
It is hard work.
But still
they had it @ Keaven's (nephew)
However we weren't invited
like always in the past.
Hmmm. Wonder why?

My beloved decided that
since we have a new bathroom
& kitchen renovation
She is no longer embarrassed to invite
ALL her children
& grandchildren to the house!
Okay, I understand.


This meant forking over a damn bus ticket for her youngest son (uhm, 47yrs - okay)

Who totally neglected his wonderful children for decades,
Sons who are now 21 & 18,
Never even sent child support
Tho' they love him more than anyone.

Who has NEVER once come this way
from Dtw on his own,

Always pleeds broke
to his (dumbass) mother - my beloved,

who even tho' she can't pay all her bills
& creditors call her out the whazoo -

STILL buys that piss-ass fuck-off
a $130 greyhound ticket
so she can SEE the little butthole
she loves so dearly.

"He's MY SON, I need to see he's okay...
I'm just grateful he's not in prison
or a drug addict..."


Each year I go thru the resentment

of having this bullshit con-artist,


barf for brains


Lay all over my couch,

Constantly use the phone,

Eat everything in the house,

Not give his sons who adore to see him
Or his Mother
the time of day...

I fucking can't stand this dipshit douchebag.

But I digress..

Babydoll worked like a damn kitchen slave,
I worked my ass off vacuming & dusting & shining...
Everything was ready on time,
They all came late,
The food was DEVINE,
Everyone was So Happy to be here @ Grandma's house,
(guess I just live here...)
All were EXCITED the above mentioned jackass is here,
Girlfriend was estatic to have all her family around her,
And we were both proud we did it ourselves!

All in all, it was GREAT!
Loud & Chaotic...!

And 2 days later Herman (the looser..)
(Who changed his own name
& now goes by Asmar..)
She shouldn't have named him Herman
After his father...

(ASS mar) imo...ha!

Is still here
On the couch.


Says he'll be here
for 2 weeks.

Shoot me now.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Remodeling Life

Renovating the bathroom & kitchen is NOT FUN.


Yeah okay, there are no more leaks in either room...
And it does look better.
I put a deeper tub in, thank you Jesus.
And a higher toilet that is 'wheelchair level.'
Ya never know when you'll need one of those...

But here's the thing.
You get what you pay for...
And we went with Lover Girl's Son's Friend, "the plumber."
So he can change sinks & tubs - sorta...

But his tile abilities suck... the grout is still everywhere... plaster & paint in the sinks... Filth tracked in & out out the house & carpet... And some of the tiles are already moving around the window when I put curtains back up. Lord knows how long the rest will last...

AND I still spent a shit load of cash...
All the money I had wanted to buy a new RV with a bigger bed...
But Lover Girl said NOOOO, we have too many problems to fix in the house.

So the fixing has begun.
I don't think it will ever stop - there is just toooo much.
Although we put a good dent into it
and Sweetface is happy.
I'm happy she's happy.

But what a crap lesson to learn -
to go with a more expensive professional.
It's not like Dorko & his lame cronies didn't try.
They really worked hard.
REALLY hard, huffing & panting...
They just aren't that good at it.
And Don't even KNOW they suck at it.
Really BAD.
Which is just very sad.

For all of us.

But for my True Love & I -
It is still better than before...
And we shall continue to fix the joint up...
And not be so embarrassed when relatives drop by.
Sooner or later
One day at a time.