Tuesday, August 18, 2009

By George, I think I've Got It!

Well, here's the thing...
I've about conquered Twitter & Facebook. It's taken about 5 days - thanks to all who held my hand thruout the ordeal! ha!

I have a mac that I can take pictures on sitting here about a foot away. I figured out how to post these pics. Still don't know how to get pics from my camera into the computer. But anyway I put a bunch of pics up on fb. So if you're inclined...
my facebook handle... KMae Bee.
my twitter name KMaaee (KMae was already taken, how RUDE!)

I'm trying to learn how to just stay home, amuse myself, (Other than watching TV all day) (Which we all know my lazy ass can easily do!) & not go out to spend a lot of money I don't have. Doris is SO annoyed I've spent so much time on the computer because no one can call her. She should be grateful the bill collectors can't get thru!

Anyway, I posted 2 pics of her on fb. She's purty. grin.
She would be mad if she knew. shhhhhh.
Dont ask dont tell.


Anonymous said...

Do you have a cable to go from your camera to the USB port on your computer? If you've got that, then that's how the pics will go from the camera to iPhoto on your computer. If not, do you have a card reader? You need one or the other to get the pics to the computer, OR you need to get them put onto a CD and then you can get them from the CD to the computer.

You know that the Mac site has tutorials on it, right? Check out the one on iPhoto. This is the link to the older version: http://www.apple.com/findouthow/photos/iphoto08.html

Oh, and here's the link to all the Mac OS tutorials, lots of good tips in here, even if you're good with the Mac there's still new things:

If you still need help email me your phone number and I'll talk you through it over the weekend. If you've got a friend that teaches this stuff for a living you might as well take advantage of it. :)

KMae said...

Thank you Pixie!

Maria said...

Ah...I refuse to twitter or do facebook so I will just use my imagine...

KMae said...

Yeah Maria, I felt the same way, I spend enough time on blogs. But Pixie kept going on about how she liked twitter better than blogging...bla bla bla... So finally I HAD to see for myself,,, & it all was complicated to me because Im no computer mensa, ha!

Well, so now I'm hooked. I DO love it all. It's so cool! Pixie was right!