Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Still Feel Blaa

Going back to work today, altho I'm not 100%.  If we are on the sick list longer than 6 days, then it counts for 2 instances..  which is so stupid & even dumber to try to explain to lay folks who dont fly.  If you get 3 instances in 1 year you are put on notice & have to go into LGA to talk to your supervisor & if you call in sick again you are fired.  So I am not that well - I am exhausted, but I have to go back because I am better than I was.  I was just trying to take care of myself with that chronic cough but I shall never again walk into a damn care center to get meds so I can take my trip out the next day because I wont have a Dr to depend on that understands a flight attendants plight.  When I went to my own Dr. for a follow up, she really couldnt put me on a "family leave" (something we can do if we are really ill for a while that doesnt count because the dr is standing behind your sickness & it will be forgiven..)  By the time I got to my own Dr I only have post nasal drip, a regular cough & ringing ears.  Still not good, but she couldnt put me on a family leave because I wasnt bad enough, at least according to her.  I am pissed because I still feel light shit, never-the-less I gotta go back to the job.  And it really is impossible to understand for you all, so I apologize for this boring entry.  snore. 

I shall be flying 4 days in a row, have one day off, fly 2 days have one day off, fly 2 days have 2 days off.  Then I'll fly 2 more days afterwhich I'll be on vacation for 2 weeks the end of Apr.  Okay. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get better so that you can enjoy a much, much, deserved vacation!!