Blogs are very personal & are a great tool in life's journey, as any therapist will tell us to start a journal to help get to feelings we might rather not find. And I know I shouldn't judge, (just another character flaw) lest I be judged myself. The truth is I'm sure my little bloggings could easily bring out the s n o r e in anyone, I am not that interesting. That being said, I acknowledge that these next words are not kind. Okay, I'm a bitch.
I love my favorite bloggers, & most of you know who you are! I generally comment on many of your entries, unless your blog doesn't allow me to - which there are a few of those around. Not all of my favs are listed here on the right, I only list lesbians.
And I won't even go into what I think of "straight men" who feel a need to comment on dyke blogs other than to say pa-fucking-thetic. I'm done with helping hets understand gays, not to mention giving a fuck about what men think of anything I say. At least not in blogland. My personal het male friends email me. (Yeah surprise, I have male friends.)
Okay, so here goes... There is a list of about 50 blogs I try to get to whenever I have have time. Which isn't that often if they're not my favorites. I can't believe how some folks start a blog, but never write. Maybe once a month or worse. Clearly they have more of a life than me... Although when they DO finally update, it is just so ho-hum, so probably not.
Well there is this ONE blog, of course I won't mention the name, but jeeeeeeeeeese!!! It is SOOOO FUCKING BOORING... I don't know WHY I go back there about every 2 weeks just to check & see if she's added any more blathering... which generaly she Doesn't.
This woman is a Gdamn shrink, folks. She is a fucking therapist. And a social worker. And a dyke. I keep trying to give her a chance, but she drones on & on about dumb-ass crap that is just so trivial, I mean GAAAAA, what a BOOOOORRRRRIIIINNNNNGGGG brainfart dump of a no-blog mental vomit pile. Christ!
Somebody Help me! I need an intervention to just delete this self-absorbed dumbass ninkempoop off my list. I mean, shouldn't a shrink have SOMETHING interesting to add about her life's journey at least now & then? And she supposedly helps people. Well, maybe she does, but I can't imagine how boring THEY must be.
Forfuckinggetit. I'm disgusted. Life is too short.